
2016年3月14日—'Networkconnectionwasrefusedbytheserver'impliesthattheremightbeafirewallblockingtheconnectionorthattheIPaddressyouare ...,2023年7月25日—Possiblereason(s):LabVIEW:Serialportreceivebufferoverflow.LabVIEW:Thenetworkconnectionwasrefusedbytheserver.,2023年8月22日—LabVIEW:(Hex0x3F)Thenetworkconnectionwasrefusedbytheserver.Solution.ThiserrormightbecausedbecausetheVIserverisnot ...,2022...

Error 63 occurred at TCP Open Connection in Simple Data ...

2016年3月14日 — 'Network connection was refused by the server' implies that there might be a firewall blocking the connection or that the IP address you are ...

Error 63 When Communicating PC to cRIO Using LabVIEW ...

2023年7月25日 — Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: Serial port receive buffer overflow. LabVIEW: The network connection was refused by the server.

Error 63 When Using VI Server to Launch a VI on a Remote ...

2023年8月22日 — LabVIEW: (Hex 0x3F) The network connection was refused by the server. Solution. This error might be caused because the VI server is not ...

Error 63 With the Host VI Generated by the ...

2022年9月27日 — Possible reason(s): LabVIEW: Serial port receive buffer overflow. LabVIEW: The network connection was refused by the server.

Error Code 63 at TCP Open Connection VI

Labview RealTime 7.1.1NI Visa Server 3.2. NI Visa 3.2. NI DAQMX 7.4.0. NI 488.2 ...   The error code is 63 and it says Serial port recieve buffer overflow ...

LabVIEW - Error code 63 - NI Community

2005年7月12日 — Hello, I am using LabVIEW->Open Application Reference to open application reference remotely from my pc. for the machine name parameter i am ...


2016年6月27日 — Error 63 usually is thrown when there is nobody listening for a connection. Do you have a server waiting for a TCP connection at the IP ...

為何我在執行一個執行檔時,得到Error 63?

當我執行一個有使用VI Server的執行檔時,得到error 63。我有正確的Run-Time Engine 版本。我如何修正此錯誤?